my december 2009 life is filled with tuitions!!
2.5hours of maths tuition 3 days of per week..
3hours of chemy tuition 2 days per week
2.5hours of pa tuition 4days straight starting of dec
2hours of bio tuition once a week
ekkk..i can't handle well to be honest.
i haven't start revising and my homework untouched o.o
wasted my holidays again?
why is my 'history' repeating itself again and again. ARGH
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i went to the 41st District Interact Conference
held in INTI Nilai, KL
with weiwen, siew yin, janice, sarah and suhsian.
it was the first time a conference is being planned/organized by interactors (between age 15 to 18 but i think mostly are form 3 and 4?) for interactors. pretty cool actually.
i mean.. hey, they are still quite young but they managed to carry out all the activities being planned for 700 interactors.
that's a big number.
can't deny there are tooo many SPEECHES. but some were interesting with humorous rotaracts and i learned a few things here and there.
on the last day, there's this Q&A interactor spoke out
( i bet many interactors felt the same way) but i'm like O.O. maybe it's just me but i felt she should at least used a better tone and let the rotaract a chance to speak.
many complained bout not given much time to interact with others.
time is given actually. just need to grab it yourself.
not enough time for talentime and it's rude for the mcs to stop them?
i agreed i was disappointed and wanted to watch every performance/sketch till the end. but couldn't blame much. they were trying to follow the schedule/timetable whatever you call it. they just didnt want to end late night. shouldn't ppl respect that then? plus rule was clearly said that time given for every group is SIX minutes. why the blame and unsaticfactory?
some said the speeches are way too much but i heard 2 years back, the speeches were far more boring. means there are improvement. be grateful?
games under hot sun? i complained at the beginning too to fend off the hotness. LOL. imagine 700ppl. where on earth they could held indoor games for that. so couldn't blame much..
food was not that great but maybe the budget prob?
some rooms are air-con and some are not? lucky i got the air-con one. but some rooms are just without air-cons. couldn't expect them to install in every room for this conference? o.o"
just one thing im not satisfied..
using too many polystyrene foodware.
but yea. thumbs up to the organising committee.
and i found out and realises a lot of things
through the conference bout ppl.
whether i like it or not i'll have to close an eye.
watched Princess and the Frog last wednesday
with weiwen and family after tuition in sunway carnival.
2.5hours of maths tuition 3 days of per week..
3hours of chemy tuition 2 days per week
2.5hours of pa tuition 4days straight starting of dec
2hours of bio tuition once a week
ekkk..i can't handle well to be honest.
i haven't start revising and my homework untouched o.o
wasted my holidays again?
why is my 'history' repeating itself again and again. ARGH
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i went to the 41st District Interact Conference
held in INTI Nilai, KL
with weiwen, siew yin, janice, sarah and suhsian.
it was the first time a conference is being planned/organized by interactors (between age 15 to 18 but i think mostly are form 3 and 4?) for interactors. pretty cool actually.
i mean.. hey, they are still quite young but they managed to carry out all the activities being planned for 700 interactors.
that's a big number.
can't deny there are tooo many SPEECHES. but some were interesting with humorous rotaracts and i learned a few things here and there.
on the last day, there's this Q&A interactor spoke out
( i bet many interactors felt the same way) but i'm like O.O. maybe it's just me but i felt she should at least used a better tone and let the rotaract a chance to speak.
many complained bout not given much time to interact with others.
time is given actually. just need to grab it yourself.
not enough time for talentime and it's rude for the mcs to stop them?
i agreed i was disappointed and wanted to watch every performance/sketch till the end. but couldn't blame much. they were trying to follow the schedule/timetable whatever you call it. they just didnt want to end late night. shouldn't ppl respect that then? plus rule was clearly said that time given for every group is SIX minutes. why the blame and unsaticfactory?
some said the speeches are way too much but i heard 2 years back, the speeches were far more boring. means there are improvement. be grateful?
games under hot sun? i complained at the beginning too to fend off the hotness. LOL. imagine 700ppl. where on earth they could held indoor games for that. so couldn't blame much..
food was not that great but maybe the budget prob?
some rooms are air-con and some are not? lucky i got the air-con one. but some rooms are just without air-cons. couldn't expect them to install in every room for this conference? o.o"
just one thing im not satisfied..
using too many polystyrene foodware.
but yea. thumbs up to the organising committee.
and i found out and realises a lot of things
through the conference bout ppl.
whether i like it or not i'll have to close an eye.
watched Princess and the Frog last wednesday
with weiwen and family after tuition in sunway carnival.

a must watch for disney's fans.
i WANT to watch Avatar and coming soon Vampire's Assistant! hmnn.
lastly to end this post...
Happy Birthday
♥ Kim Jun Su ♥
a miracle from heaven on
December 15, 1986.
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