just love watching in the cinema with the
big screen and sound effect.
(minus some unpleasant smell sometimes)
so last week, i watched with my 1st sis
A Christmas Carol in Queensbay.
just love watching in the cinema with the
big screen and sound effect.
(minus some unpleasant smell sometimes)
so last week, i watched with my 1st sis
A Christmas Carol in Queensbay.

i think seeing your past, present and future is
a good thing to remind you where you stand.
but my sis said it's boring! geeezzz..just not her cup of tea.
last sunday, went for movies back-to-back again with both my sis in Sunway.
first, Ninja Assasin..
first, Ninja Assasin..

though i don't like Rain much, can't deny he has nice body here..
well, he actually trained real hard for like how many monthS for this movie surviving with only steamed food! so yea, imagine how hard he survived through those months, even you don't like him much,
go watch the movie! ;)
it's quite violent with blood spurting everywhere
(looks a bit fake though)
another thing, i like the kid that acts as kid-Raizo (Rain in the movie)! he looked so familiar to me and then i realize he's
Seung Woong, who went to StarKing show as mini-jaejoong. too bad he's bald in this movie. good to see him in it though.
the movie i wanted to watch since forever...

urmmm..well, im just speechless watching
how the world is going to end.
i think it will be worst if it really happens.
while watching this, i just know that..
i'm going to have lots of regrets if the world does end in 2012.
i have yet to do so many things.
so so many things...
monday. sunway. lobhie, weiwen and san.
Twilight Saga : New Moon

everyone who loves twilight gonna bash me now.
but seriously..i still can't accept the fact vampire under the sun and becomes shiny? SHINY?
and i dont find edward is handsome at all. :x
bella kind of used i feel bad for him
(and yea, he has a nice body!)
it's kind of draggy too. i was thinking when the movie is gonna end.
thankfully im sitting with weiwen. we made a few jokes througout the movie. so it was ok :p
[p/s: im watching for the sake of watching and if it's not the 3 person above...(as in lobhie, ww and san), i don't think i will watch it o.o]
between these 4 movies, i have to say
NINJA ASSASIN is the best.
maybe cuz i like actions better...
2012 is devastating!
it's December!
time to repent. UGH
tuitions are just 'pain in the neck...'
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