didn't update my blog for quite some time.
well, it's school life again.
the similar routines everyday..
school. tuitions. homeworks.
i really should think at the brighter side. ==
niway, having my mid-year 2 weeks hols now!! (:
went for Angels and Demons last Sunday with my sis in Jusco.

quite obvious who's the bad guy. should i buy the book?!
usually book ver is a lot better.
but..hmnn..$ and time *shakes head*
and then, me and ww went to Jusco again today.
we did our homework in the library..good students right?! hehe
and for our usual jusco activity = watch movie!
both of us wanted to watch Night in The Museum 2!~
we miss watching movies in cinema.

i like to see Owen Wilson in there. he's always making all the jokes.
and the three angels statues singing. cute. LOL
(turned out to be the Jonas brothers! NOOOOO! why them? =.=)
then, went to purnama for bio tuition and last minute, lau pan niang came and told the whole class that none of the clerks contacted the teacher. so the class was cancelled ==
just because the clerk on the afternoon shift and night shift doesnt like each other, we became the victims.
can't they be more responsible? o.o
thanks ww for fetching me back home.
*current craving and favourite:-
green tea ice cream.
green tea ice cream.
baby come back to me,
i'll be everything you need...
i'll be everything you need...
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