28th Feb 2009
guess bout my luck today!
continue reading if you want to know..
well..around 11.30, weiwen msged me bout going to
education fair together.
i got no transport so i thought i wont be going ed..
*cough.still sleeping.cough..that time..cough*
but the kind girl and her bro offered to come my hse and fetch me!
so ok la..that time 12.30.
faster wake up, bath, eat and get ready.
the bridge was sooooo jam..
reach reach..saw my PRIMARY sir, Mr Cheah!!
omg. totally shocked but went to say hi.
surprisingly he remembered me
even though he didnt see me for 5+ years.
so i guess my face did not change O.O (shud i be happy or sad?!)
then went walking around..taking brochures and
asking a few questions.
when we decided to go back..we were standing at the entrance,
looking at one particular booth where u could
spin the wheel and win sumthing
but of course u need to buy the Star newspaper which has a form inside to be able to spin that thingy. the prizes are
towel, goodies, iPod, tumbler, pendrive...and so on.
they stick a paper stating wat prize under each number
(no 1-5 and a star)
what you shud noe is no1 prize and
no3 prize are (u will noe y soon)
no1 prize is towel (tats y the wheel has no1 the most) and
no3 is iPod!
we were watching that time..
weiwen was thinking and saying,
"shud i buy? but i got the Star newspaper at home ad!"
and me...i was hesitating beside her!
after a few minutes we standing there, ww decided to buy the Star..
so i aso try my luck la..not putting much hope since luck is never on my side.
when we were filling the form,
ww is shouting beside me saying
she will be getting the iPod..the iPod is waiting for her etc
she's positive girl all along..
then her bro telling us no3 prize is no more iPod.
they changed to sim pack (hp sim card)
ww spin first and she got no1..was suppose to be towel but i think out of stock.
instead she got this..
guess bout my luck today!
continue reading if you want to know..
well..around 11.30, weiwen msged me bout going to
education fair together.
i got no transport so i thought i wont be going ed..
*cough.still sleeping.cough..that time..cough*
but the kind girl and her bro offered to come my hse and fetch me!
so ok la..that time 12.30.
faster wake up, bath, eat and get ready.
the bridge was sooooo jam..
reach reach..saw my PRIMARY sir, Mr Cheah!!
omg. totally shocked but went to say hi.
surprisingly he remembered me
even though he didnt see me for 5+ years.
so i guess my face did not change O.O (shud i be happy or sad?!)
then went walking around..taking brochures and
asking a few questions.
when we decided to go back..we were standing at the entrance,
looking at one particular booth where u could
spin the wheel and win sumthing
but of course u need to buy the Star newspaper which has a form inside to be able to spin that thingy. the prizes are
towel, goodies, iPod, tumbler, pendrive...and so on.
they stick a paper stating wat prize under each number
(no 1-5 and a star)
what you shud noe is no1 prize and
no3 prize are (u will noe y soon)
no1 prize is towel (tats y the wheel has no1 the most) and
no3 is iPod!
we were watching that time..
weiwen was thinking and saying,
"shud i buy? but i got the Star newspaper at home ad!"
and me...i was hesitating beside her!
after a few minutes we standing there, ww decided to buy the Star..
so i aso try my luck la..not putting much hope since luck is never on my side.
when we were filling the form,
ww is shouting beside me saying
she will be getting the iPod..the iPod is waiting for her etc
she's positive girl all along..
then her bro telling us no3 prize is no more iPod.
they changed to sim pack (hp sim card)
ww spin first and she got no1..was suppose to be towel but i think out of stock.
instead she got this..

its the papers where u wrote and stick it on ur book/paper etc
its way better than the towel. useful too.
lucky girl!!
and then my turn..guess what number i got
yea..NUMBER 3!!! O.O
omg. im lucky but yet not!! ):
wth...on the spot i turn behind and look at ww telling her "iPod weiiiiiiiiii!!!"
just like that..i lost my chance having an iPod! T___________T
if i just buy and spin a few minutes earlier!!
the iPod would be mine mine MINE!!
sighh..that's how my luck is.

so now i have a 013 number..
but not using yet.
can u spot the number? lolx
so many FOOOUUURRRR...
i shud be satisfied since i only spent rm1.50 for Star newspaper with free Galaxie and i got this sim pack BUT
i've been moaning bout my un-reach-able iPod since then.. T__T
next, we went to QB to eat..

ww kept asking the waitress to refill for 3 times = 4 cups! kaka
they even state it on the receipt how many times we refilled it! o.O
(no food pics :x)
on the way back..jam on the bridge again.
went to ww hse first.
then guess what!
she FETCH me back!!
with her bro beside her of course. hahax

her driving is not bad la..
its not dangerous.
honestly, i dont feel scared sitting her car.
maybe im a new driver too! ^^"
and we both know what we shud do and shudnt when driving
just that the more experience drivers thought we are still new and not confident sitting our cars.
reached home safely!
tomolo will be another day out with ww to penang for guides meeting again.
till then.
Happy Birthday to Yvette!
may all your wishes come true~
it happen to be my first sis chinese bday too.
Happy Birthday to her.
luck is never on my side..
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