Wait wait wait. What am I gonna blog about.
I was about to say nothing and suddenly I remembered my birthday!
So..4th March.
Nothing really special.
My colleagues bought me a Black Forest cake~
Yeap, Nurse Tew cause they said I look strict like the Head of Nurse.
The crazy us!
Jane making funny faces. keke
And another colleague bought me a Black Forest cake from Secret Recipe as well!
Cake from Hooi Ping.
I was thinking does my face shows I'm a Black Forest cake lover or something?
But I'm thankful to them though.
At least I actually felt it's my birthday.
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I think I didn't blog on how much I spent last week?
It's like a shopping free for CNY. A late one.
I bought a pair of shoes, 3 shirts, 2 pants and my 2 handbags bought through online arrived!
I bought a 16GB sd card for my phone as well.
So basically my money just fly from me.
Convincing myself there will be out and there will be in.
What else what else.
There's so many things but my mind is blank!
Work is normal. I'm getting worried and panic with my life.
As usual. I'm so tired and sleepy and lazy these days that I don't have time to search for universities. I didn't want to continue working and waste my life.
But it's just so hard. May sound like an excuse but yea..
Went to yoga yesterday and did a handstand with some support. Obviously.
Seriously anything requires me to be upside down or just make me feel unbalanced, I PANIC.
The fear of falling or breaking my bones.neck or limbs. =.=
But nice though when I get to do it.
I'm rambling and the working bell just rang.
Will copy paste this when I get back home.
(Using Gmail)
Continued this post at home.
Just remembered, went to Daorae last Sunday!
After so long I got to eat Korean food again.
Raw beef. Surprisingly no beef smell at all.
My favourite Mr. Octopus.
Got this Japan biscuit today from superior.
I think made of lobster if I'm not mistaken.
Another 4 days!!
4 days to meet my hubbiesss!~