I didn't update so many 'events' that happened in my life. I just suddenly thought of it. One day. Maybe. I will recall and update. Maybe..
So..Internship! I skipped all the worries of applying for an internship place. Thanks to my lecturer. I kept thinking I owe her a lot. No one actually sees me like she does. I think. She guided me to go present poster, became my sv for FYP (saves me from all the headaches choosing a FYP title), helped and supported me to go Thailand for my FYP experiment and then recommended me to intern in Nestle. She has connections but yea, thankfully Nestle accepted me.
So yeap. SABAH!! Next to Kinabatangan river~
1) Pasir Puteh, Kelantan - NO I've been in Kelantan for 3+years.
My internship was from 23rd February - 14th June 2015.
I took flight from Penang-KL-Sabah.
It's my first time taking flight alone. Just a bit lost but manageable.
Once reached, I waited a while before my supervisor, Kak Jang came to fetch me.
We went straight to Greenview Sukau which is 2 hours drive from Sandakan airport.
The B&B I stayed in during my 4 months of internship.

My room. ~09~

Two single beds just for me alone. ♥

Around the B&B. There are bigger rooms for family.

My beloved 'transport' in the village. ♥ rofl.
To sum up my stay there, the villagers are good and friendly. Just a few problems..
1) The village is far from town. Even the nearest petrol station is 1.5+hours away. But there are villagers that sell petrol in the village.
2) Restaurants are mostly operated by the villager themselves in/outside their houses. There are no fixed time for them to open/close. --> difficulty to find food especially for dinner.
3) A more complete grocery store is 5+min drive. (since I only have a bicycle, still a no-no) But at the end of my internship, there's a new shop opened in the village. Pretty complete I would say.
4) No wifi/connection. Not entirely true but yea, there's no landlines available, broadband signal is very weak, as in very very very weak. But if you have mobile data then you're saved (not me unfortunately).
5) The water they are using daily is from the Kinabatangan river. When I was there, first few days I found that my scalp has fine sand O.O. So, I usually have a pail filled with water and let the sand sink before using them the next day to wash my hair. There's always this question in my mind that I never asked till now : Meaning I am using the water that's been used at higher river places and not to mention there's so many incidents that happened in the river....the crocodiles...there was even once a teenager got drown and never found when I was there (Sukau is already the lower part of Kinabatangan river). Maybe we city people are just not used to it and paranoid. Well, I never asked that question and then when I met my lecturer in university, Dr. K asked me. I was shouting STOP. I KNOW. I DON'T WANT TO KNOW.

The water may be yellow....

still the scenery is beautiful though...
6) As for drinking water, the villagers used rain water. It's really pity when there's drought. Then they would have to buy mineral water. Some drink the river water though if there's no rain.. My supervisor buy mineral water for Nestle office so I refill my water there.
7) No street light at night! You have to use torchlight if want to go anywhere. Skilled I learnt, riding the bicycle with torchlight. Mom said I became a true kampung girl. -.-
Something I look forward to in the village...
1) There's
morning market (pasar pagi) just beside the Nestle office on every FIRST WEEK of the month. Starting Saturday night and continue on Sunday morning until 11+am. (I crave for food there aite. with it I don't have to hunt for food at far place) I think many of them buy their necessities there too.
Night market and Karaoke! It started when I was there. The contract was 3 years I think? So this there's this organizer who made up Karaoke nights from Thursday to Sunday nights. They even have events such as Ala-Ala Akademi Fantasia, Fashion Moms etc for the villagers to participate (usually every Saturday night). It's a good entertainment for the villagers there. Sababahh has lots of talented singers including my supervisor! And they LOVE to DANCE~ ^^
The villagers sell food at the night market.
Okay, it may seems like there's not many things I look forward to in the village but yeap, it's good for people who are searching for nature and some peace from the noisy and fast moving city.
There are monkeys where I found out the villagers dislike the monkeys cause the monkeys cause havoc in their house, eating fruits, entering and destroying things in the house etc. But all the foreigners love them! They will be like taking pictures with their cameras enthusiastically and we locals will be like
Ohhh and I even get to see hornbills. :)
There's boat cruise. Thanks to Nestle, I get to go boat cruise foc twice.
Evening cruise and morning cruise.
There are orang utan, proboscis monkeys, long/short tailed monkeys, snake, birds.
I didn't see elephants and crocodiles though. Just not my luck..

This fella came to 'attack' Nestle office during the weekend when I was alone. Terrified and immediately closed the doors before it came in. Took this pic inside the office.
I'm a little afraid of the crocodiles though.
When I was there, they taught me that when I go for boat cruise or near the river bank that may have crocodiles...
1) Make sure you don't have any desire to eat/food. If you want to eat maggi, EAT before you go.
2) Do not mention about food topics on the boat.
The crocodiles tend to attack that two conditions people. Another is unavoidable..
3) You are in danger too if your ancestor ate/consumed crocodile meat.
Well, all these are traditions. It's definitely up to you to believe it or not. (:
Safety jacket is a must!
In a summary, what I did for my internship...I would say not much or maybe I'm greeeedy.
Two main tasks :
Prepare a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on tree planting activity RiLeaf.
- Uhm...I took a long time to prepare this report cause I was told I will get to see the procedure from start to end. Unfortunately, in the end, due to time constraint and other factors such as transport etc, I did the report partly participating, partly witnessing and mostly get the facts from Kak Jang and other Nestle workers.
Socio-economic study on Zon Hilir, the village I'm staying. I prepared the survey questions pretty quickly. Just the interviewing took a lot of time cause I was waiting for someone appointed to accompany me to interview due to avoiding the awkwardness to just go the villagers house one by one. In the end, well I would say the others are not very keen on going with me. Hence, I went alone too in the end after waiting and waiting and I got fed up. At first by bicycle and then by foot. Tedious work though. The secluded part, I got to interviewed a few houses by car with another worker assigned by Kak Jang. I prepared the report but not entire Zon Hilir was interviewed. A little not satisfying but no choice. I presented to the villagers the result in their meeting. I did the report in one week before I fly back to Penang. Thank god there's no literature review for this.
Others :
3) Prepare required documentss.
4) Helped out when there's visitors.
5) Help WAGS when they have seminars.

After a seminar by WAGS with the villagers.
You could tell I am a little dissatisfied with a few workers there. But then I don't think I should mention it here. They are good for friends maybe but definitely not coworkers. Oh, there are only another 3 workers there beside my supervisor. Other field workers are at Bilit (10 mins drive from Sukau). It's funny cause I get along better with the workers from Bilit.

After tree planting activity with visitors.

Aling, Kak Jang, Math, (not sure the name last one)
Aling and Math is good and experienced. Good to me but Aling is quite shy I think..I always follow Aling for site verification and also verification of plants. Oh, anything related with planting activity, we need to use boat as a mode of transport! We hop on the boat, go to the location, and climb up the bank to reach the planting site. Believe me, when the water level goes down, the river bank is like slippery and you don't want to mess with it. After slipping and all I told Aling "uhhh, this last two site, I wait for you on the boat yea. ehe" Sorry but even if I go up, I don't know how to check the planted trees. TT____TT
Another thing, I always joke with them, "Please save me if I fall in the water. I can't swim!!" It's true ok.

Kak Jang asked them to prepare walkway aka stair to go up for the visitors who are going for tree planting activity. She expected stairs made from tree branches and was shocked when she saw this pic they sent. I think they are talented! HAHA. That is Math's brother, Azril, very kind to me too.

Aling tying the drum to the boat so that the boat will not sink cause water is going in the boat slowly. We just came back from verification of planted trees.
I could say. my life is pretty bored at first in the village. There's no good wifi. No tv in my room. Not many friends. Nothing. When Kak Jang is not around, it is worst. Cause I need to find food alone (most of the time ended up lazy and just eat maggi/milo/biscuits/oats). I do enjoy the alone time though.

Sometimes Kak Jang will cook simple and we will eat together. (:
And if there's opportunity, Kak Jang will bring me to her family house in Sandakan for the weekend.
So far, I followed with another friend, Kak Nang who stays in Sukau too back to her house in Sandakan and back to her kampung in Tg. Pisau the first time. Kak Jang was worried I will not get adapted with the lifestyle there cause it's really secluded and lack of many things.

The house in Tg. Pisau.

The living room + dining place.

The living room again.

The kitchen. There's still no pipe. And they need to carry water from the well outside. Yes, WELL (down picture)

The well. It's like old times. This is my first to see and use. It's outside the house and we need to take water for bath, wash etc. Who would have thought I will be living like in the old era. wooot. And there's no light/lamp so bath before it gets dark! If I remember correctly it's just a small hut built with zinc with some space on top before the roof. Hence, if people wanna peek and you bath naked, bye bye.
During the 3days 2nights stay, Kak Jang cooked mostly. There's a mango tree right outside the house. I love how they take the unripe mango, make it into thin slices and mix with concentrated soy sauce, chilli and sugar then eat with rice.
We went to the beach near the village to collect somewhat clams and 'kaikai'. The scenery is beautiful there. And we also did some fishing cause Kak Nang loves it. The whole fishing process, I only got ONE Catfish/Keli. :( All the baits were eaten. Still I was so darn happy over the only fish I caught. ^^"
The second time, I followed Kak Jang to her family wedding in another village, Terusan Sugut. Kak Jang's mom and her bro's family went too. Kak Nang, Johdi and his boss went as well. I was told we will be going by KAPAL and the journey takes 5+hours from Beluran!! I believe most of us believe it is the big boat like the one we take to go Langkawi or something like that right? How bad can it be..
NO. How wrong...when I was at the jetty, the KAPAL is just a slightly bigger wood sampan boat and not entirely covered roof. In my mind, I was like...seriously? LMAO.
There are no seats. You sit where there are spaces, anywhere, even brink of the boat. Just don't fall into the sea. Unlucky, you will be under the sun for 5+hours. So, everyone just squeeze under the shady part of the boat.
I'm really awed that the village island is 5+hours from the town though it is only 2 hours with speed boat.

The jetty.
The funny story here is..
when we were on the 'kapal', Kak Nang had a stomachache and she can't seem to hold it. She had no choice but went to
release to the sea (there's no toilet mind you but I heard they do have a hole on the boat for people who can't stand it anymore) with Kak Jang holding a sarung to cover her. After she was done, Kak Nang came and sat with me back and was telling me the story; how everyone was covering their nose when she
release back there. I told her what for cause she was perching on the boat and released it directly to the sea.
ahhahahaha What is more funny is that when she release, there were two other speedboats quite far from our boat. Hopefully they didn't realize it. We could not stop giggling/laughing on the issue.
To add more,
I was the next victim. Luckily I felt like doing small business and not the big one. I was very determined to wait till I reached the village and thankfully I managed. Rofl. But it was quite a torture when the boat kept rocking with all the vibrations and the never-reaching destination. /sigh We kept laughing about it.

Just right before reaching the village.
The village is peaceful and there's no car or motorcycle. All they have is bicycles. Wow right. There is not even a phone coverage only at one particular area is covered if you want to make phone calls. Even that, only Maxis I think. Intense huh. And the people in the village rarely smoke. I guess they are not influenced much by the city life which is a good thing. There is no street light so they use torchlight as well.

The wedding night.
They karaoke-d and danced.
We stayed in one of Kak Jang's relative's house there. I'm not sure if it is because of the season but it is soooo hot in the house during the day. We had fun playing poker cards and watched movies at night before sleep.
There are several other times that I went to Sandakan :
1) Wanted to renew my visa entry cause I could only stay in Sabah for 3 months. It's a bit funny cause it feels like I'm in another country. But then, in Immigration Department they said I just need to go again and fill in a form together with my plane ticket when I decided to go back. There's no penalty or whatsoever even if I stay more than 3 months. "Tetap warga Malaysia mah", they said. LOL. And photostated IC. They have a photostat counter there but pricier. Good for business though. Before we went to the Immigration Department, we went to the airport, none of them knew what to do for extending the visa and claimed they need official letter etc etc. Just...how could they not know anything? @.@ I still think having a booth there is so much easier. Anyway, that time I went to Sandakan with Greenview van and met with Kak Jang there cause she just got back from KL while Kak Nang went to Sandakan in the morning. We ate lunch and went back Kak Jang's house. We went back Sukau at night.
2) I followed Kak Jang and Kak Nang to Sandakan cause Kak Nang wanted to buy some things. Met up with Johdi cause he wants to follow back to Sukau. I think that night we went for karaoke before going back. I can't sing so I just help them pick songs. ehe.
3) Another time I went to Sandakan with Kak Jang and Kak Nang is a week before I finish my internship. They wanted to celebrate with me so we went out to Sandakan for dinner in a seafood restaurant. Johdi joined us. After dinner, Johdi said he's going back to his brother's house and so we 3 went for movie instead. We watched San Andreas. It's a late night movie and the cinema is uhmm..classy..it's like old time with tickets like receipts. It's not that bad and only RM6 if I remember correctly. After the movie, we hunt for some place to stay cause it's over midnight and Kak Jang didn't want to disturb her family. We rented a room with one queen-sized bed and one double decker. Early next day, Kak Jang went to the airport. Me and Kak Nang went for breakfast and went back to the hotel for a 'little nap'. Johdi came and find us and were waiting for us to get ready before go to buy necessities and go back Sukau by mini van.
That's the saddest and disappointed day in Sabah for me...cause I lost bout RM100. I realized when we want to check out from the hotel. I got a hunch who did it but I didn't want to say anything. I was truly disappointed. Kak Nang realized and we talked about it but that's it and she told me something too. Still, we can't do anything since there's no prove.
There may be several times more I'm in Sandakan but I don't recall now.
The last would be the end of my internship. Kak Jang went to KL and said we will meet in Sandakan. On that morning, I asked Greenview and they said their van overturned. I was shocked and thought how am I supposed to go now. Luckily they asked outside van cause there are visitors who will be checking out from Greenview that day. The driver is good. We talked and he made sure I reached the place I asked.
I met with Kak Jang, did my visa, ate lunch, went back Kak Jang's house, accompany her to change her car tyres and bought some coffees and cili paste for me to take back. We had dinner at Kak Jang house and I stayed over one night cause my flight is the next day. Since my flight was in the afternoon, we ate breakfast and a light lunch before Kak Jang fetched me to the airport. Kak Jang and her mom even packed mangoes for me to take back.
I think these mangoes are everywhere there. These were from Sukau.
Honestly, I was a little sad to go back after four months.
The people there are very friendly and good.
One thing for sure they are NOT racist. They respect and accept each other but I think many of them dislike us, West Msians.
Many said I looked like locals - Dusun, Kadazan or Sino.
Not even one expected I'm Chinese and was shocked I am one from Penang.
Should I be happy or sad? Haha.
I love ordering fried rice in Simpang Tiga in Sukau. Very big portion that's why I like it.
Simple Murtabak kosong made by Kak Nang's niece, Ina.
Simple but nice..
Me weighing the FFB palm oil. Just for photo~

Alice and Kak Budi from Solidaridad.

I knew her, Sze Ling from Sepilok Orang Utan. Turns out she's from Johor studying Forestry in UPM. Had a good time with her. Went to stay with her once in her dorm. Even followed her to kenduri there. She came and find me in Sukau as well and dragged me to Gua Gomantong. She must have regretted dragging me there. :x

The WAGS gang. From up Aloy (he's older than me a year, friendly and he saved a bottle of tapai for me!), Akong (always tease me), Hassan (friendly guy). Down Iqbal (agronomist from KL) and Dean (friendly as well~)

Me and Kak Nang before the movie! Really miss her. We shared a couple of jokes.
When I was there first month or so, she didn't dare to find me when Kak Jang was out station cause she said it would be awkward. After a few times we went out together, we were pretty close.
She always asked me to go Night Market with her. She loves to dance. Then she will accompany back to my room and stay over the night. She always leave early in the morning for work. The last couple of nights in Sukau, Kak Nang stayed in my room to accompany me the final nights there..we will watch movies together, talk and jokes. ♥

Me and Kak Jang before my flight back! I'm really thankful to her for being my supervisor. I felt like I'm a burden to her. She took care of me well and very understanding. Often treat me food etc. Brings me here and there cause she knows I'm bored in Sukau. Just like an elder sis to me rather than a supervisor. ♥
I thought I'm going to write this in another post but decided to combine it.
The first month I was in Sabah, Kak Jang had a training in Kota Kinabalu. She asked if I wanted to follow. 5days 4nights. I said yeshhhh. But those few days I was left by myself to explore there.
We went on
Feb 28, 2015.

I stayed one night in Sepilok. Went to see orangutan. That's where I met Datuk, an uncle guider there. He took me around and even visited the Sun Bear there. He was nice. I knew Sze Ling there too.
Me and Sze Ling talked the whole night.

I think this orang utan is the pervert one. Loves to hug girls and make a havoc.

At first, Kak Jang booked a room for me but after talking to the guy who works there, I managed to change to dorm instead. Almost half the price of one room.
The guy I met there is another funny story.
He is friendly. So we talked a while and even the next morning we exchanged numbers cause he was a tour guide before. I thought I could ask him anything if I didn't know where to go in KK. We whatsapp-ed and after few weeks...he said he liked me. Ermmm..I said it's not possible and I very much like to remain as friends. He didn't contact me after that but recently he whatsapp me back...as friends. Funny thing his friend who work there whatsapp me too. Not sure how he got my number but it's fine.
March 1, 2015
6 hours drive from Sandakan to KK. @.@
Car sick again.
Once arrived, I checked in to Borneo Backpackers. Took the sharing room with backpackers. There were 5 double deck in a room with air con.

At first I wanted to sleep at the end side of the room but no bed sheet hence, I was told to use the middle one instead.

The end is multiple toilets/shower rooms.
First night pretty awkward..there were three other guys in the same room as me. One is Indonesian or something? Not sure. I went out to walk around and eat something. By the time I was back another Chinese(?) guy was sleeping at one of my side. After a while, another Japanese guy came in and I am not sure what he wore...maybe an extra short shorts? I just glanced and look away and I saw he wear a longer shorts. ^^" So...they were not that friendly and yeap...they checked out early in the morning.
March 2, 2015
Slept till 9+am I think. Went to have breakfast and went to Suria KK.
Main aim - watch movies!

That's the first time I went to the cinema alone. Watched b2b :
1) Dragon Blade (nice and there's Siwon although he's evil)
2) 12 Golden Ducks (not gonna lie. wanted to see Luhan)
After movie, went to have seafood alone. Met an aunty who sat beside me. Asked her where's nice to visit etc. She talked a little about her life and took me to meet her friend and son. She even gave me her son's number who worked in one of the Pulau if I want to visit. Went for a drink with them. Very sweet of her. In the end, I didn't contact her son. Shy yo.
When I went back room, there were three foreigners. 2guys and 1girl. One couple. Then another 2 guys came in. They said hi. I'm just gonna name them D and AJ. D said he's from Langkawi, so believable with his tanned skin and he said AJ is from the States. HAHA. Turns out he was just joking..D is from the States and AJ is actually KK local. Apparently, AJ is hosting D and D is actually paying everything for AJ...D asked me where I'm going to visit etc and in the end he asked me to join them. Was a little reluctant but I agreed in the end. D bought me beer. No people, I'm not drunk that night.

March 3, 2015
Three of us went to Pulau Sapi and Pulau Manukan.

The jetty.
On the boat, we met with W. He's from Poland. Backpacker alone. He traveled several place and Sabah is his last stop. Turns out he majored in Chinese Language. /jawdrop/ I can't even read chinese although I'm chinese. Sorry. Apple here. /sigh/ Currently he's studying in Taiwan. My age. Another good guy. W also stayed in Borneo Backpackers. Such coincidence. Hence, we decided to walk around together.
Pulau Sapi and Pulau Manukan is okay to me. I still preferred Koh Lipe.
Maybe cause I can't swim.
Went back in the evening and went to dinner together. Seafood 4 of us.

Didn't manage to take much pics.

Crazies eating together.

We climbed up the small hill to see KK scenery at night.
It's the most painful walk for me cause I fell down at the beach earlier. The pain and throb on my knees. I just shut and climb. :/
March 4, 2015
4 of us went to Pulau Tiga. AJ has great deals cause of his friends. So me and W tagged along with the discounted price. (:
Breakfast in Old Town. D and W were so amazed with Old Town. Me and AJ is telling them Old Town here is like McD. /evil
D mistakenly ate W's order and D's order did not come. Poor W. He has to go and buy bread.
Pulau Tiga is prettier.
The trip includes BBQ. There is mud pool. And cause the previous day I told W that my birthday is today, he told D and D made the whole crowd to make me go in the mud pool. They sang birthday song for me.

Mud mud mud.
Some pics at Pulau Tiga.
The boat ride was...tolerable cause I sat at the stairs with all the wind blowing. Bless the wind.
When we reached, W asked me to wait for a moment. Let others go first.
Then we saw sunset from the boat!
Sunset ♥.
Then, I felt something not right. Suspicious.
D didn't let me to turn around.
Turns out D actually asked the girl who is in charged of the trip to prepare a Birthday cake for me.
Truly surprised the boat crewss came with the girl and cake while singing Bday song.
The birthday cake.
Was really thankful. D paid for it. Quite sure on it.
The crazies. ♥
We had dinner that night in a Thai restaurant and they didn't want me to pay any cent that day. Nice people. After dinner, we actually went to a gay bar~. None of them are gay. AJ/D kinda mentioned and I insist on going. ehhe. Too bad. Not many ppl. Had a beer.
Decided to go back early cause W need to catch his flight early in the morning.
But AJ/D and me drank at Borneo Backpackers again before we retire to bed.
March 5, 2015
Around 5am(?) I woke up to send W. Waited taxi with him. Pretty sad moment. Bargained a cheaper price taxi for him. (:
Later about 8am(?) I sent AJ/D to the Jetty. They were going to Brunei but stopping by Labuan.
Another pretty sad moment.
Funny is the uncle who takes care at the entrance saw me and D saying goodbye and after they were gone, the uncle told me..."Ohh..don't say goodbye". XD
D did asked me to go along with them to Brunei but after long thinking it's better not.
I just knew them and my mom will kill me and I needed to go back Sukau with Kak Jang that day.
I went back to Borneo Backpackers and waited for Kak Jang before we head back to Sukau.
That's pretty much what happened during my 4 months Internship in Sabah.
Till then...
I think I'm gonna blog about my 2 months stay in Thailand for my FYP.
If I'm in the mood.
But hopefully I start to blog everyday when there's something interesting.
(so tiring to sum everything up in the end due to procrastinating)
Thanks each of you for all the memories.
Kak Jang - 40
Kak Nang - 45
D - 39(?)
AJ - 38(?)
W - 24