After my 8-10am class,
I presented my last SIEP today.
Fortunately, I think it went well cause the lecturer asked me only one question,
"How long is the lifespan of redworms"
"Ermm..I'm not sure, but they doubled up every 3 months or so"
Maybe cause she's my new PA and she's new here in UMK.
So she's more lenient and less questions..
Bought lunch, went back room, online, eat lunch, fanfics and sleeep.
Woke up about 4.30pm and online again.
No seriously, when you are in hostel, your laptop is your best friend.
What else could you do?
In actual truth,
this blog post is dedicated to Janice Gotoking.
After I woke up from my nap,
I saw ppl posting RIP on her FB wall.
The first post I saw, I thought it was just a joke..
I mean she's so young and cheerful and everything.
It hits me hard when I realized she's really no longer with us.
I'm not even close with her.
I met her when I worked in Digi after Form6.
She's the one who taught me everything about CS work.
She's helpful and friendly.
After that, we rarely contacted. I'm not sure when was the last time we met.
But this is the only FB msg with her.
And yea, she's a fan of Big Bang..
That was in 2012.
Somehow I really feel quite sad.
I don't know the cause but read from one comment that stated,
heart rhythm not regular caused by inborn heart disease.
It's just..I'm just..
I don't know what to say..
Life is just so unpredictable..
I hope you are in a better place now.
Rest in Peace Janice.

Stay happy.
A pic of you I took from your FB that you uploaded just a week ago..
Just wanted to blog this and remember..