*I typed this since I was in PSU. Was in my draft till today I finally have the urge to post it. (ง •̀_•́)ง *
Because I'm bored and I have nothing to do in lab waiting for my experiment.
not really, I should do my fyp report or SIEP. shhhh
I decided to blog about TVXQ! concert I went to last year 2013.
Cause I want to remember that day.
(But I'm not going detail about the 2 hours concert. No, my memory is not that great)
It is the third time I see Homin.
1st time in 2006.
2nd time in 2007.
3rd time 2013!
How could they abandon Msia for 6 years.
although the stadium never filled but still...

I should start from even before the concert day.
I bought the concert ticket with the help from MY-TVXQ fanclub cause I'm a member since the beginning 2005/2006? and it's more convenient.
I bought the third most expensive ticket RM688 for RM640 (member price).
I didn't want to mention the price here actually
cause not many ppl know which one I bought.
But I'm afraid I'll forget in future. ^^"
I only told my second sis that I'm going for the concert.
When near the concert day, I decided to tell my mom..
The conversation :
Me : I'm going to concert.
Mom : That five again?
Me : Yea. But now is only two. (/cry)
Mom : I saw the news on newspaper. Didn't want to tell you but you knew.
(my mom don't deal with technology)
Me : I knew long time lo. There's internet mom.
Mom : Why you want to go. See so many times still not enough? So expensive. Not like they gonna notice you. Waste money. (the same thing she will say every single time I mention I'm going for concert)
Me : Let me la. I want. I'm just informing you. Not asking permission.
(Ok. I know. I'm a bad daughter.)
Mom : Don't know you la.
And nope, I didn't tell the ticket price. I just keep on saying "Got la."
And my family just left it cause I'm not asking money from them.
(all my savings. T____T)
My concert partner, Veen decided not going.
I'm gonna be alone and get lost in KL.
My life saviour is Fifi!
Well, she's my online friend since I'm 15 years old.
We chatted in MSN from time to time.
I wonder how we kept in touch for so long.
Didn't get to meet her when JYJ came.
(another blog post for that)
And I need to be thick-faced a bit to ask if I could go with her. XD
Thanks Fifi. ♥♥
(she's like my online sis :3 )
However, I told my mom I'm going with a senior from uni. The story somehow turned out to be that way. Cause she assumed. And I'm just uhm yea. If I told her the truth, she's gonna go crazy and telling me bout bad people and trust issues.
In the end, I think I kind of persuaded Fifi to buy the same zone with me although she had bought her ticket.
Cause nearing the concert, MY-TVXQ suddenly offers
RM788 ticket for
So obviously must upgrade ah.
Say I'm crazy.
But no regrets for me at all. Nah ah.
The concert was on 18th May 2013.
On 16/5 night, I took a bus from my university to go KL Perhentian Putra.
I reached around 5+am, walked and waited for the KTM.
Took the KTM to KL Sentral where me and Fifi said will meet.
It was early in the morning around 6am when I'm at KL Sentral.
Went around finding for plughole uhm i mean wall plug (?) ^^"
Charged my handphone a while and suddenly bam. Not charging anymore.
So I'm like walking around finding other wall plug in hope of charging my handphone.
Luckily I brought my old Nokia phone along.
(funny event starting next paragraph)
This one uncle approached me. He told me I could charge at the chair near the entrance.
(The KL Sentral entrance which is opposite Hilton Hotel)
I went and sat down and charge my phone and unfortunately, what I feared, the charger was short circuit. I truly gave up buying handphone charger after that cause that's like my 3rd or 4th charger. =.=
The uncle then approached me and gave me a power bank (ciplak but still power bank. LOL)
He said I can keep it cause he still got a few in his bag.
Uhm. I'm like "Seriously? Thank...you. O.O"
I thought he was from China with all the ciplak gadgets to sell in Msia. :x
After a while, he just sat down and talk to me.
Asking what I'm doing bla bla bla.
Then he started to talk bout life and himself.
Well, from his stories, he's a Singaporean, studied oversea, worked as engineer but quit already cause he didn't want to anymore and travelling alone with some business going on.
He sounds rich since he was telling me he purposely bought an Iphone in Msia for comparison and sold back to the shop the next day for cheaper price, he drove a expensive car, wear expensive clothes.
But he told everything indirectly.
Have to admit, I was a little wow-ed when I spoke to him.
Not that I believe him entirely.
But yea, seems like a good guy.
or maybe not.
We talked from 7+am to 10+am which is when Fifi reached.
He basically waited for me to go off first.
And he took my phone number.
I know mummy say don't talk to strangers and never give your number to them but he seems to be a good guy. Having more friends are gooood. :/
First time meeting Fifi after chatting 7years..
to be very honest, it's quite awkward for me!! not a social butterfly mah
Lucky after a while okay. Maybe cause we chat for so many years d. Or maybe cause we have the same interests. Or maybe we both try not to end a conversation. Just glad we get along. (I really hate when I initiate a topic and the person just end it with short answer leading to awkward-ness again!)
She brought her childhood friend, Efa too. Kind of miss her cause never contacted her since then. (ysterday night messaged her in fb!)
After we ate, we went to Bukit Bintang to find a decent priced hotel.
Found one which is RM180 two nights.
And the unavoidable, there is cockroach in the room. It crawled on me while I was trying to sleep and I was sleeping at the side. Jumped out of bed and shook off the cockroach T____T I think Fifi got shocked too although she was sleeping. Then one time I was the last to shower. After shampoo-ing my hair, the water got cut off. =.= Fifi and Efa pun terpaksalah take water bottle and from the water cooler for me.
We went to walk around Pavilion and met with Fifi’s Japanese friend. Japanese fans are sure
rich. Some followed every concert in different countries! After that, I think we ate McD for dinner and went back to room.
Next early morning, me and Fifi decided not to wait for shuttle bus to stadium but took a taxi instead. Efa waited for another friend. Once we reached the stadium, I claimed the concert tickets from MY-TVXQ and then we walked around the area. I bought official lightstick and some unofficial fangoods. But there's a havoc later saying those illegal fangoods should not be selling there i guess cause most is ot5 stuffs. They even say whoever bought could not enter the stadium unless they left it outside. So, I stuffed mine in my bag still my free ot5 paper bag was forced to left at the security table when they checked my bag. (I didn't get it back cause after concert someone took mine and it's gone. ugh)
We sat and waited in the eating tent since they have yet set up the tent for fans to wait according to the ticket zone. Once they set up, me and Fifi were the first to go and wait in line. Maybe cause less people bought this ticket or haven't reach yet.
spot us ¬‿¬
Then we got to know these fans, diyana, aicane and her
We were making jokes that saying Fifi is number 1, me
number 2 and diyana is number 3 according to our position in line. Took some
pics together. Exchanged twitter account. Talk talk. Crap crap. (:
me and fifi!
me and diyana
our group pic 。◕ ‿ ◕。
And at last we were told to walk in line and follow the
staff. I tell you, they are so lucky cause they are just students but applied
to be staff for part time job. They get to watch the concert for FREE okay. And
we? Paying how many hundredss! /CRY. I know cause I asked them. But they are
not fans of TVXQ! Aih.
We were waiting in lines to enter the stadium. The
guards were funny too. Cause I’m standing in front, they were like asking “You
taw ke mereka nyanyi apa. Cuba nyanyi tgk.” I pun layan cakap la. I even ask how to
apply for their job then I can watch concert for free. :/
When it’s our turn to go in, our bags are checked and as
I mentioned earlier, need to leave my ot5 paper bag at the security table.
Since I went to concert before, I somehow know what to bring and what not to
bring. No cameras. No water bottles. No harmful things I guess. But then I
still wonder how some fans get to bring their DSLRs inside. It’s so huge okay.
How they hide? Or did they bribe? =.=
Quickly went inside and find a good spot! The lucky
thing was…there were not many fans that filled up the standing zone. So, they
made the decision to let us RM788 VVIP rock zone to enter the RM888 Premium
rock zone! Wohooooo. One of the best thing ever that happened to me.
The 2+hour concert. Don’t ask me what happened aite. I
can’t remember. It’s just so surreal you know when Homin appear in front of you
stupid fangirl)
(Although they did not. Maybe cause someone told them not to. It’s
Malaysia. Always need to filter. Do not make sense. Everyone is already so
corrupted anyway. =.=)
Yeap, I’m just awe struck by Homin. My brain just could
not believe I’m seeing them in person again. So near yet so far, that's my quote every time
I go to a concert.
Even the dancers are good..smiley. One guy dancer even
secretly threw a few water bottles to the fans. He knew we were thirsty
shouting out lungs out. Lmao. Psst. That dancer is kyuteee.
The concert is just good. No words to describe. No
regrets buying that damn expensive ticket.
I did not take any pictures cause my lame phone is not
helping at all and I also give up taking pics or vids in concert cause the
first time I did, I don’t fully concentrate on them live but keep looking at
the camera to ensure that I get the right angle of video. So..nope. I only take
a few for memory sake. It's like at least I recorded something myself. But I do tend to record the song that I very much love.
The song list for the concert :
1. Rising Sun
2. Getaway
3. Hey
4. (Short Clip) + 'O' Jun Ban Hap
5. Like A Soup
6. How Are You
7. Journey
8. Honey Funny Bunny
9. Wrong Number
10. I Don't Know (Korea Version)
11. Humanoids
12. Purple Line
13. Before You Go
14. Destiny
15. Memories + I Never Let Go + Always There + As Always
16. I Wanna Hold You
17. Here I Stand
18. Dream
19. Catch Me
20. Intro + BUT (Korea Version)
21. Why
22. Unforgettable
23. Mirotic
24. Hiyaya (Summer Days)
25. Summer Dream + Sky
26. I'll Be There
After the concert ends, we rushed out to buy water then
line up to take shuttle bus back to the LRT place (can’t rmber where is that
ah. urmm.)
Went back to our hotel. Spazz bout the concert. It’s a
must kot. Haha. Thanks to Efa, she took some few good clear video
from her sony ericsson phone although her seat was quite far. ♥ If I'm not mistaken she lost her phone a few days after that. Stolen I think. Sad.
Next morning, I sent Fifi and her friend to LRT (quite
sad that we need to part so soon. Haih) and I went to meet up with Jessica, my
uni friend who quit after one year in my course. She LEFT me to be in umk
aloneeee (I hope she reads this :p). We ate and talk. Alex called me that time
and I didn’t know it’s him until he said that so fast I forgot about him. Can’t
remember what he said more. I bought TVXQ! Sticky candy and also for Fifi (it's still with me cause we never meet again till now!)
After that, me and Jessica went to watch a movie “The Great
Gatsby” since that's the only movie that suits our time.
Leonardo Dicaprio stars in it. It was a nice movie just
that yea, his role, he did everything and risks everything for the girl but he
ended up dead and not appreciated. It’s sad. It portrays the society that only
has wealth in their mind. Nothing else. Which is very applicable to some of us
After the movie, we took LRT (or monorail I can’t
differentiate. ==). Me going Perhentian Putra to take bus go back umk. Jessica
was with me since she was heading home and it was on the way. (: Really glad I
could meet her that time. It’s funny cause we only know each other for about
1+year that time, somehow we still keep in touch and just remain good friends.
Waited for the bus for quite long about 2 or 3 hours I
think. Saw some umk juniors there.
In the bus, Alex called me again. I mainly just “Hmnn.
Okay. Hmnn. Hmnn” I just don’t know what to talk. He said he wanted to find me
in Kelantan or when I’m in Penang. I told him no point find me. Kelantan
nothing to do. Penang, I stayed in mainland, I don’t know island road. I can’t bring
him anywhere. So no point find me. He said he wanted to see my face. Uhm. I
feel weird at that point but hey, I didn’t want to perasan la. Pushed away the
weird feeling and tell him if you are so free, go find a girlfriend. He said
wait for me to recommend. Told him I have none to introduce to him. The worst
thing happened when he said why not I recommend myself. Ohkai. Fcuk. Shiet. O.O
Told him no. Why me? I’m not pretty. Go find others who
are so much prettier. He said how could I say that, what would your parents
think bla bla bla. Uhm to cut the story short, I kept on saying no and it’s not
possible. The line was not clear (cut a few times during the phone call) and
being cut off again. Something like that.
I was so afraid he would call me after that. I told a
few people about it. I told my 2nd sis. She LAUGHED at me and saying
my dream comes true in finding a rich boyfriend. Ugh. Nooo way. I’m just
daydreaming and saying it for fun ohkai. (I want a rich and handsome and younger
la. Not uncle T___T)
And I didn’t know she so big mouth she told my family
but she told a brief version. And I don’t know what she told my parents that they thought that the bus driver was hitting on me. Huhhh? That’s like soooo big difference.
Thankfully that Alex guy never contacted me again. I was
disappointed. Not because he never contact me ohkai (I thank god for that).
It’s because I thought he was a nice guy/uncle. Sigh.
I think that’s all about my little adventure to concert
last year.
I plan to blog on the other dongbang concerts as well.
Maybe a all in one post when I’m free (I myself wonder when. I’m a lazy ass).
took a pic before washing my tattoed face ☁
I don’t blog about the concerts I went like others
I felt so sad and heartbroken
Cause I didn’t know when I’ll meet them again
I’m a stupid emo fangirl..