suddenly i felt my life is so fucked up
maybe it's time of the month to be emotional.
nothing is going well..
i have to tolerate with some people
which i can't understand why God is testing my patience
wherever i go. is this some kind of training or punishment?
i have my period today in the middle of the lecture..
i have my period pain
it rain till semi-flooded today (wrong timing)
i have my BioD midterm this coming Tuesday morning
i learnt that i could actually lie...well WHITE LIES.
there's no water in my hostel
i get to take my bathe at only 10+pm.
i can't wash my clothes.
and most of all......
i got a call.
to inform that Min Min my hamster escaped from house.
no one knows.
how the door has gap suddenly?
maybe Min Min just wanted to get away cause he knows his time is going to be up soon.
how silly of him...
i didnt even get to see him yet
just got the news he's extremely thin and fur-less.
before this..i thought i will be fine if i ever hear this bad news..
but no..eventually my tears fell. crap.
my life is definitely messed up once again.
why? my karma?
been with us since
September 13th 2009

till December 11th 2011.
with us for 2 years 2 months and 28 days..
I'm sorry for not being the best owner.
I know you're sick.
Maybe this is the best solution for you.
I somehow hope you'll be fine.
Wherever you are now,
I hope you're happy.
If you reincarnate, I hope the best for you.
My one and only
♥ Min Min ♥
please be well..