i havent update for around 2 weeks?
been real busy and lazy..
(yea..although im busy i still have time to laze around a bit)
where should i start?
back to my hols? hmnnn
to sum up my hols, i went to penang for 3 days 2 nights with janice (her dad got free hotel stay), sarah and suh sian. main purpose..catch insects for bio project. well, the trip was overall great just that..been raining that few days. went to the beach too..then lepak around. suhsian was snapping our photos randomly and her cam phone just has to be darn fast. janice was her victim mostly. quite a lot of things happened but im too lazy to blog bout it. ^^"
(im actually waiting for janice to update her blog on this trip!)
did my homework and laze around then voila..
hols finish without me knowing. argh.
oh..and it was my first time playing snooker (in the hotel). nice!
veen was back for hols!
but i only get to hang out with her around 4 times or so?
blame the school and tuitions ):
will be waiting for lobhie and veen together back in december~
it's been forever since four of us hang out at the same time.
besides that,
been crazy with ww a few times and didnt manage to blog bout it..
so..here's what we did..

taking pic in the hotel toilet (fav place [;)
can't remember what hotel..rasa sayang? hmnnn..
we went just for the toilet after dinner with my sis and her friend.
then the toilet worker came in to check on something
in the end, due to our paiseh-ness, we gave up with this blur pic.

the ghostly us in the car!
with veen and san in swensen..

eiei..what's so interesting?!

the fakers.

hope things turn out the way i wanted...