<WARNING! for the last PICTURE in this post>
the whole last week is not really a good one.
i've been cursed! nahh...just joking. or maybe? o.o
Monday - Ujian Cermin Diri
PA, Chemy and Muet. not too bad since there's not really much to read.
Tuesday - Cont. Ujian Cermin Diri
Bio and Maths. bio is only one and half chapter but im dying. i DID NOT study finish..expecting to fail. maths only 4 questions for 100 marks. so even 1 mark is so important! =.=
Wednesday - Late to School
my mom forgot to set her alarm clock. and me..i think i shut off my hp alarm without knowing. great!
i slept till 7.11am and suddenly open my eyes (miracle thing).
i was wondering why the sky is so bright and dont i need to go school?
blurly i took my hp to see the time and day. shocked..jumped out of bed and woke my mom and prepared to go school.
mom blamed it on me for sleeping late. still i dont think it's my fault cause my sleeping time is always that time.
reached school around 7.35? prefects were there waiting.
punishment = pick up rubbish.
need to fill in form to be signed by guru disiplin and my class teacher. fine.
but on the way to my class, i FELL down at the corridor (no one was around). and so..my bottle, chemy book and my file FLEW away from my hands. two teachers heard and one asked whether im ok. quickly picked up my things and said im fine.i thought i am till i felt the sting on my knee then realised my knee is scratched and bleed. SIGH. i shouldnt go to school that day!
Thursday - Tired Day
nothing much happened.
Friday - Outing
at last what planned with janice went as planned(not entirely). went to sunway to search for pen as bday present for my class teacher.
then went to pasar malam near my hse by walking from my hse. both of us were cracking jokes the whole day that i need to ask janice to stop making me laugh and vice versa cause we were tired + we have tuition at night.
after one day of walk, my injured knee is swollen and red and pain. gahhh.
Saturday - School on Weekend?!
it's a school day to replace Deepavali.
Sunday - Get to On9 at Last BUT..
at last the TM person came to fix my phone line. i was NOT ABLE to ON9 for almost one whole week? and i missed out a lot of things ==
and then..i found out
the whole last week is not really a good one.
i've been cursed! nahh...just joking. or maybe? o.o
Monday - Ujian Cermin Diri
PA, Chemy and Muet. not too bad since there's not really much to read.
Tuesday - Cont. Ujian Cermin Diri
Bio and Maths. bio is only one and half chapter but im dying. i DID NOT study finish..expecting to fail. maths only 4 questions for 100 marks. so even 1 mark is so important! =.=
Wednesday - Late to School
my mom forgot to set her alarm clock. and me..i think i shut off my hp alarm without knowing. great!
i slept till 7.11am and suddenly open my eyes (miracle thing).
i was wondering why the sky is so bright and dont i need to go school?
blurly i took my hp to see the time and day. shocked..jumped out of bed and woke my mom and prepared to go school.
mom blamed it on me for sleeping late. still i dont think it's my fault cause my sleeping time is always that time.
reached school around 7.35? prefects were there waiting.
punishment = pick up rubbish.
need to fill in form to be signed by guru disiplin and my class teacher. fine.
but on the way to my class, i FELL down at the corridor (no one was around). and so..my bottle, chemy book and my file FLEW away from my hands. two teachers heard and one asked whether im ok. quickly picked up my things and said im fine.i thought i am till i felt the sting on my knee then realised my knee is scratched and bleed. SIGH. i shouldnt go to school that day!
Thursday - Tired Day
nothing much happened.
Friday - Outing
at last what planned with janice went as planned(not entirely). went to sunway to search for pen as bday present for my class teacher.
then went to pasar malam near my hse by walking from my hse. both of us were cracking jokes the whole day that i need to ask janice to stop making me laugh and vice versa cause we were tired + we have tuition at night.
after one day of walk, my injured knee is swollen and red and pain. gahhh.
Saturday - School on Weekend?!
it's a school day to replace Deepavali.
Sunday - Get to On9 at Last BUT..
at last the TM person came to fix my phone line. i was NOT ABLE to ON9 for almost one whole week? and i missed out a lot of things ==
and then..i found out

for goodness sake, it's not even released yet? o.o
i was angry with my sis since i asked her to preorder earlier for a few times but she did not.
and look what happens now. ]:
so basically, this week is not my week.
and i have so many things i need to do that im feeling so GUILTY now.
and bout the warning for the last pic,
here it is....

it may look disgusting but if it's on your knee, you wont feel so.
it hurts and keeps coming out liquid. just hope it wont leave scars.
lastly, Happy Fake Birthday to Veen on 16th Aug! (;
i want to escape this reality..