went to penang as planned.
me and weiwen went for guides meeting in GGA from 10 till around 1
asked my father to "dump" lobhie and veen in any bus stop
but he was kind on that day tat he "dumped" them in prangin mall straight..lol
poor them waiting for me and weiwen for 3 hours.
once we finish our meeting, both of us took a bus to prangin mall and from there we took another bus to queensbay..was a long journey.
being sleepy, i closed my eyes throughout the journey and this weiwen from behind kept pulling my hair for a few times which i chose to ignore! ;p
once reached, we were enjoying the air-con in queensbay.
went to borders and popular to compare prices for twilight book and made a decision.
popular is way cheaper! so anyone wanna buy, pls go popular~
i bought twilight and new moon. next time will be eclipse and breaking dawn.
veen bought new moon and eclipse since she bought twilight in prangin ad.
then..aim of the day SKATING!~
veen and me wanted to learn since last year christmas.
ww tarik diri last minute and no matter how we beg her, she refused to join us :(
being a newbie, we cant even stand when we wore the skates *shakes head*
we were holding hands when we reach the rink
unfortunately its not a good idea and i was starting to apply physic terms - elastic and inelastic collision..
when lobhie fell, we tried to help her stand up but she was pushing us unconciously and so i fell.
in the end, we went with our own way..practising ourself
i fell like maybe plus minus 10 times?!
everytime was on my butt. (should i consider that lucky?)
halfway practising, i asked ww to read my twilight since she was waiting for us with nothing to do..
felt guilty she needed to wait for us for so long
after an hour, lobhie decided to stop and wait for us instead at the resting area
left me and veen battling with the skates in the rink :X
veen fell so hard at one time that 2 person asked her condition..
and me..everytime i fall, i will stand up asap cuz its really embarassiong =.=
overall, we skates for two hours and i was dehydrated.
tried to "pose" for the pic but failed miserably eh?
its a memorable day~

suffered body pain - butt, hands and legs.
i needed to remould my butt!
as for veen, she hurt her feet..accompanied her to the toilet to apply plaster (bought from guardian)
lobhie accompanied ww to buy twilight.
clearly seen tat ww is addicted with the book! kaka
my poor hand..
veen's poor feet
the infamous toilet pic...

sis came to fetch us around 6pm and went for bbq steamboat
was trying our best to eat as much as possible to make the money spent for the food worthwhile.
along the way, we made stupid jokes.
and everytime me or ww pass the bowl/plate to veen&lobhie, they wont pass it back.
i complained and veen purposely went to take new bowls and plates..
giving me with her stares like i did something BAD to her! lol
since then i call her plate-taker cuz for the whole nite,
she only took plates instead of food (buffet style) and
we were the ones duin the job of taking the foods and drinks.
when everyone is much bloated..my sis went and bring out the bday cake.
its a surprise bday part for ww..we were clapping and the funniest part,
weiwen clapped and said "who's bday?"
".......YOU LA" burst out laughing~
managed to take some pics and stuff ourself with some cake..its a chocholate moist cake with a little mint
after that, we went to Starbucks in New World Park to hang out
played old maid, snake and ladder, snap and UNO..
conclusion, lobhie was the loser of the day!!! kakaka

who is this?! whose mother?
hehe..who else but my evil sis!
on the way back to the car..this is what happened while waiting for my sis to pay the car park ticket (machine thingy)
veen spotted BBQ Chicken restaurant and i spotted wat was played on the tv in the restaurant!
dbsk mvs!
and thats when we both looking from outside ignoring the looks the waiters giving us!
k..we look more like we're posing~
in the car back to BM..lobhie and my sis lose control again
both laughing like some crazy ppl without reason and even the way they laugh is the same!
can sense veen is highly irritated with lobhie's laugh.."STOP IT LOBHIE!"
sadly nothing can be done from preventing lobhie laughing..
dropped ww, lobhie then veen to their respective houses.
once reached home, took a bath and online while waiting for my hair to dry.
without realising i online till 4am =.=
then flat on the bed..
pics credits to lobhie and veen
slept for 5hours..woke up and went to lobhie's hse
our plan of cutting our hair..
did it in U-Cut
was okay..not much changes except fringe
as for lobhie, she straighten her hair and i waited for her till 6pm!
from 10sumthing we were there till 6pm..sighh
both of us cant wait to get out from the shop
and had something to eat which we ended up in kfc
then go back to sleep!!
our bodyache did not help much. ==